We are still need more of the smallest (175-188 CM) and the biggest FIS skis, but we getting a pretty good supply of the middle lengths. I will tune/wax/recondition each/all of the skis at least once a season to make sure they are Race Ready and FAST! If you have skis that you don't need, or know somebody who does, the Speed Pool can use them! And, if you have a pair from the 2016-17 season, please get them back to me soon. I want to get as many pairs done over the Summer as I can. I want all the skis to be as FAST as possible for next year! Thanks, Gadget (December 2016): CMAC is starting a new program to keep Speed Skis out on the hill instead of cluttering garages. Speed skis get faster with use, so these skis should be getting faster and faster! If you NEED skis- drop me (John Ellis) a note at johnnybassboy@hotmail.com. If you HAVE skis- drop me a note also. We have a few pairs of Junior SG skis, some USSA legal downhill skis, and even a couple pairs of FIS legal speed skis. The Success of this program is up to YOU!! If have extra or need speed skis, please contact me! |