Q: What are options for ski racers as they move to college after CMAC?
A: Ski racing in college is a great way for athletes to continue to grow and enjoy the thrill of ski racing. There are two organizations which govern college ski racing: the NCAA for the small number of schools with Division 1 race programs, and the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association which is a much broader organization. PNSA has sent skier both to Division 1 schools and many more skiers to USCSA program schools. USCSA programs are often club programs, but there are a number of schools with varsity USCSA programs. There is more information in the USCSA Handbook. Division 1 is very serious ski racing, where many of the racers are former national team racers from the US, Canada and Europe. More information is available at PNSA's college page. A great summary of college racing opportunities can be found in this document on Skiing Pathways After College prepared by former CMAC president Alden Garrett and others. To get a feeling of the points that NCAA Division 1 athletes have, here are two tables for you below